Cuicui Chen

Working Papers

The Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Truck Electrification (with Chunyu Guo and Daiqiang Zhang), draft available upon request

Work in Progress

Product Innovation and Diversification in the Global Automobile Market (with Jing Li and Mathias Reynaert)


Colluding Against Environmental Regulation (with Jorge Ale Chilet, Jing Li, and Mathias Reynaert), accepted at Review of Economic Studies

A Partial Identification Framework for Dynamic Games”, with Jose Miguel Abito,  International Journal of Industrial Organization, 87, 2023

Identifying Beliefs in Continuous-Action Dynamic Models: An Application to the U.S. SO2 Allowance Market”, accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics

How Much Can We Identify from Repeated Games? “, with Jose Miguel Abito, Economic Bulletin, 41 (3), 2021: 1212-1222.

The Value of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration”, with Henry Lee, Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center Policy Brief, March 2020.

Acceptance sampling for cost-effective surveillance of emerald ash borer in urban environments,” with Yemshanov, Denys; Haight, Robert G.; Liu, Ning; MacQuarrie, Chris J.K.; Ryall, Krista; Venette, Robert; and Koch, Frank H. 2019. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. 17 p.

Managing biological invasions in urban environments with the acceptance sampling approach,” with Yemshanov D, Haight RG, Liu N, MacQuarrie CJK, Koch FH, et al. 2019 PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220687. 

Optimal Inspection of Imports to Prevent Invasive Pest Introduction, with Rebecca Epanchin-Niell and Robert Haight, Risk Analysis, 38(3), 2018: 603-619.

Collective Action in an Asymmetric World,” with Richard Zeckhauser, Journal of Public Economics, 158, 2018: 103-112.

Analyzing Social Media Marketing in the High-End Fashion Industry Using Named Entity Recognition”, with Jorge Ale Chilet and Yusan Lin, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2016.